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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2013

Poetry poultry country

Across a gross lacrosse loss, a boss cross. Ann ran a man: a fun fan. A can, a bun, a gun. Ban! Run! Toi annoy a boy in Savoy, oh joy! A decoy deploy a toy; enjoy, destroy a buoy. Employ Illinois! Hurry airy hairy Harry, the flu, got to two blue too. A holy owl howls trough a hole in the whole hall; a mob chops a mop top and stop; a ray may die, dye a lie and lay. Toc toc, a knock locks a stock of knobs. The main trains rains, drains, dines and dance. Creepy brit, chripy trippy rippy reap, chop a cop, let it rott. A chunk in a tank trunk pumps a lamp's lumps. Fight the right to write a wright bright rite in a flight.  Well, a wishing well with a bell. Where were we? We're way away were they're? Are we? Sup? Rap-tap a lap and nap. Cap a map gap. Zap! For a fourth floor, flour the fur of four flowers Sit a bit, split spit: rip it. Fit tit, neat seat. Hit a zit. Lit a wit pit. Yap chat, talk cheap chalk tech cheat. Smudge fudge in fridge, dodge gr